
Items for Sale

Order from: Green Co. Public Library, 112 West Court St, Greensburg, KY 42743
*** 6% Kentucky Sales tax on all books
*** Please include $2.00 per book for shipping and handling
Records on Microfilm
Greensburg Record Herald - 1895-June 2006
Kentucky Death Certificates - Copies of Death Certificates, 1911-1965 now available
Census Records - First of the US including Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, & Virginia
Federal census of Kentucky dating back to 1810
KY Tax Lists - Lists from Green Co. dating back to 1795 & some from Adair, Barren, Hart, & Lincoln
Deeds - Green County 1793-1888 with index
Marriages - Adair, Barren, Green, Lincoln, Madison, Meltcalf, Nelson, Taylor, Shelby, Washington
Wills - from Green and surrounding counties
Circuit Court Order Books - 1794-1883
Vital Statistics - from Green and surrounding counties
Items of Interest
Allen's History of Kentucky
Genealogies of Virginia Families 12 VOL.
Green County, Kentucky in the World War 1917-1919
Historic Architecture of Green County, Kentucky
Green County Review quarterly 1977-present
Green County Journal quarterly 2004-present
Draper Collection of Manuscripts 6 VOL.
Kentucky Bible Records 6 VOL.
New England Marriages Prior to 1700
Nicholas McCubbin, his ancestors and his descendants
1850 Kentucky Census indexed
family files - folders in order by last name with information on that family
Genealogy Policy

Links - FamilySearch is the largest genealogy organization in the world. Access records and resources at no charge. - The Kentucky Historical Society. Access oral history and get information on their programs and services. Research their online resources to get many useful links and can even search vital statistics. - Kentucky Digital Library. Access historic newspapers, photos, books, maps, and more. - Green County Genealogical Society homepage. Get information about becoming a member, events to be held, what books are for sale, and links to other useful sites.